Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chris Brown Disgusted With Jian Gomeshi's Behaviour

The Turnip News
Grammy-Award winning recording artist and convicted felon Chris Brown revealed in a recent magazine interview that he is "disgusted" with the behaviour of former CBC radio host Jian Gomeshi.

In an exclusive interview for an article in The Source hip-hop magazine to be released November 17th, Brown, who has been convicted of domestic violence for assaulting fellow pop artist Rihanna, expressed his disappointment and outrage of Gomeshi's behaviour.

"How could you hit a woman? Slap or close-fist, it doesn't matter - it's ALL assault and it's intolerable. Someone should lock this prick up," exclaimed Brown during the interview.

Brown, who has on more than one occasion, caused facial bruising and scars to many women's faces using only his fists, added Gomeshi "should be ashamed of his deplorable actions."

Brown finished the interview early to attend a preliminary court hearing stemming from charges in 2009 when he allegedly throttled and choke-slammed a female photographer for taking pictures of him leaving a downtown New York club.
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Jian Gomeshi’s Lunch In CBC Breakroom Starting To Go Bad

The Turnip News
Embattled CBC radio host Jian Gomeshi has not returned to his office in nearly three weeks since being fired. He has been busy trying to salvage his reputation as CBC lawyers have launched an investigation which could lead to criminal charges – But all that doesn’t change the fact that his two-week-old ham and cheese sandwich on rye bread has started to rot and will soon emit a repulsive odour from the breakroom any day now.

(Right) Photo: The fridge that allegedly contains Gomeshi's sandwich since October 26th.

Here’s What We Know So Far

- October 26th - 8:30am - Gomeshi places Tupperware container in fridge upon arrival at CBC building.

- 8:33am - Former Q Radio host walks to cubicle only to find news he has been released and is no longer on staff payroll.

- 8:34am - Security swiftly escorts Gomeshi from the premises as the sandwich remains in the fridge, untouched and well on its journey towards decay.

- November 4th - 3:03pm It’s clear CBC staff seem to acknowledge the smell of rotting food in the fridge. The sandwich’s rye bread has now completely turned green and is clearly visibly inedible.

*As of November 5th press time, the sandwich remains inside the Tupperware container, but that may not last long until a staff member unlocks the Pandora's Box of rotting ham and cheese and inevitably tosses it into the garbage.

More to come as this story develops...